domingo, setembro 03, 2006

Night at Yulia's

Yulia was kind enough to invite us to dinner. And there we went... In Moscow they have these private Buses as an alternative to the public ones, and we were supposed to take one of them. It's like a 9 place taxi, the passenger next to the driver voluntarily collects money from the all other passengers and gives it to the driver, very socialist, as you can guess . When we got there we had Yulia and 3 friends of her's waiting for us. Before going to the apartment we went to a supermarket, bought some food and some bottles of vodka. The apartment was amazing... A huge building (they don't have small ones) built during Stalin's government. Bunker doors, high and fancy ceilings and shoe cleaners on the entrance (due to the mud and snow in the winter, i imagine...), mystical place. And the party was on all night, thank you Yulia and Yulia's friends.


Blogger Xanusca said...

pensa não contares como acabou....

segunda-feira, setembro 04, 2006 7:10:00 da tarde  

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