quinta-feira, agosto 10, 2006


...we got there!

It’s hard to describe the feeling of arriving to a city like Moscow. For us even harder… We were tired, carrying huge backpacks and the weather was rainy and chilly. Still, I was immediately amazed by the city, huge, monumental and so different from all the cities we knew…

After walking for 30 minutes we finally arrived to the hostel. Well, I think we can hardly call it hostel.

The right definition is: “Place where people pay for sleeping in a dump with beds”. If any of the readers plan on going to Moscow, please avoid a place called Travellers Guest House. Hard to describe, but I’ll do my best: Bumpy beds; spotted linen; towels similar to baby diapers; the worst bathroom I’ve ever seen (smelly, small and almost cold water); a dirty TV room, a 1rst world war elevator and not very nice looking French people. Oh, and it had a kitchen but I never got the courage to get inside. Besides that… it was perfect (!?). I’m trying to find something nice about this place… but I really can’t. Anyway, we found a way to overcome it. On the first 3 nights we slept there only 1, but that’s another story…


Blogger Xanusca said...

Has-de ter sempre um pé na favela... lol

terça-feira, agosto 22, 2006 4:52:00 da tarde  

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